He firstly informed me on all of the locations goes to - which will be useful for determining the target audience. This included it mainly being based in Histon, but he also stops off near the offices outside of the train station at lunch times, and travels to different live events and markets around the UK.

Twitter page:
Facebook page:
Colour scheme and logo:
Jay showed me the companies logo that he would like to be included in any advertisement for the campaign, and I also asked him if he had any colour scheme or style in mind for the campaign. He informed me he wanted the colour scheme to reflect his logo and his vans design, which are coloured green, grey, white and black.
Things to consider:
Due to the pop up kitchen never sticking in a permanent destination, we will have to create a template for the print advertisement, as the information and locations are always changing.
Jays van is currently under construction until the 15th of February, which is past the campaigns deadline. This rules out filming a web advertisement for the company, and also taking any shots of the van for the print advertisement.
In conclusion, a print advertisement/online poster is the best option for the campaign, as its free, Jay can alter the template when ever he changes location/event, it can be posted to his social networking sites, and other forms of advertisements are ruled out due to the van not being available and budgeting.
We also discussed what should be included in the print advertisement, such as images of the Scrimshaw's Guerrilla Kitchen Van, the logo, the colour scheme, images of the food, and templates for the time, destination, event, and what food will be on sale. He mentioned he would send over the logo and images of his van and food.
Jay also let me know he would like one of the following to be included in details:
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